Hunters Education Classes are OPEN TO THE PUBLIC
ALL HUNTERS EDUCATION CLASSES ARE MANDATORY ATTENDENCE In order to attend the Spring or Fall Hunters Education Class, you must pre-register on the date posted. Please click on the link SPRING/FALL Hunters Education Course for more information DON'T EXPECT TO JUST SHOW UP ON FRIDAY NIGHT AND JUMP INTO THE CLASS, IT MIGHT BE ALL READY FULL.... Changes and Updates to this Calendar of Events will be posted accordingly.
New Hampshire Fish and Game
Welcome to NH Hunter Education!
- ***CANCELLED *** 2020 Hunter's Education Class Friday, April 24, 2020 6pm Saturday, April 25,2020 8am-5pm, Sunday, April 26 2020 8am-3pm
- ***CANCELLED *** 2020 Hunter's Education Class Friday, September 11, 2020 6pm-9pm Saturday, September 12, 2020 8am-5pm, Sunday, September 13, 2020 8am-3pm
- Sign up using this link: https://nhfishandgame.com/EventWeb/Event/EventDetails/2941
- If the class is full, call Andy and see if there is any extra room for more students.
Parental Approval Form Link: [CLICK HERE]
If you are under 18 years of age, you are required to download and print the parental approval form above and bring it signed by a parent or guardian to the event.
Instructor Information:
Phone: (603) 889-6908
Cancellation Policies
See NH Fish and Game Website
Minimum Age:
To register for this event you must be at least 12 years old on 04/26/2019 or 9/6/2019.
Special Instructions for this Event:
- The Hudson Fish & Game club is located on 53 Pine Rd. Hudson N.H.
- Please park on left side of building.
- The club will provided breakfast & lunch at a small fee.
Click on this link to learn about Apprentice Hunting License: Apprentice Hunting License
Today's hunters are better educated than ever before. They're going into the field knowing how to hunt safely, responsibly and ethically ... knowledge provided by the New Hampshire Hunter Education Program. Coupled with the voluntary use of hunter orange clothing, Hunter Education has dramatically helped to reduce the number of hunting-related firearms incidents in the field.
By state law, anyone planning to buy a basic hunting license, archery or trapping license must complete the respective hunter, bow hunter, or trapper education course, or show a previously issued license of the same type. Please note: Course availability runs from January through October each year. There is lots of opportunity to take courses in the spring and summer months. Fall courses fill quickly. Don't wait until hunting season to take a course; it may be too late!
What kinds of courses are available?
*Traditional Hunter Education Course (click this link to register)Traditional Hunter Education Course(will launch new window) to register for a Traditional Hunter Education Course.Pre-registration is REQUIRED. The course material is taught in a classroom setting, with the field portions, live fire and practical exam occurring at a Fish and Game shooting or Outing Club. To successfully complete the course, you must attend all classes, score at least 80% on the written exam, and pass the practical skills test (pass/fail). Please note:A New Hampshire Traditional Hunter Education Course will NOT qualify students for a Massachusetts FID.
*Online Hunter Education Course and Field Day Schedule to take the online Hunter Ed course. You must be at least 15 years or older to get your certification online. Online Hunter Education has two parts; please note that you must successfully complete both the online exam ($15.00 charge) AND the Field Day to achieve certification. Don't forget to print out your Field Day Qualifier Exam Certificate and bring it to your scheduled Field Day. Here is the link:
Traditional Bowhunter Education Course:
(Click here to register) to register for a Traditional Bowhunter Education Course.
Pre-registration is REQUIRED.
Important differences between hunting with a firearm and hunting with archery equipment make education vital to the future of bowhunting. This classroom-based course emphasizes safety, ethics and responsibility. Students discuss safety and ethical situations unique to bowhunting, and learn how archery techniques can differ from those used with firearms. Other topics in the 8 to 12-hour course include archery equipment, game anatomy, shot placement, tree stand safety, game recovery and more. Several of these topics are taught outdoors as well. Students must pass the written exam with a score of 80% or higher. There is no field test or shooting component to a bowhunter education course.
Trapper Education Trapper Education:
Teaches participants how to responsibly trap furbearing animals. This course is also required to become a licensed Wildlife Control Officer. Topics in the 8- to 12-hour course include proper trapping equipment and use, responsible trap-setting, the importance of good wildlife management practices, and habits and traits of furbearers. Taught in a classroom as well as outside. Students must pass the written exam with a score of 70% or higher.
Find a Trapper Education Course
To register for a Trapper Education course and receive course materials, email Lisa Collins at hunter-ed@wildlife.nh.gov. Be sure to include your name, address, date of birth, phone number and the course date in which you are interested, or call Lisa Collins at (603) 271-3212. Instructors may charge $5.00 per student to attend a trapper education course, payable on the first day of the course. *Courses will close to registration 14 days prior to course date to get materials out to registrants and allow for study time. Courses are limited to 25 participants, unless otherwise indicated.
What does it cost?
* Traditional courses: Instructors may charge $5 per student to cover the use of facilities and minor expenses. * Online course: Each student must pay a $15 fee to take the New Hampshire Field Day Qualifier Exam.
What are the age requirements for Hunter Education?
To receive a certificate of completion in a traditional hunter, bowhunter, or trapper education course, you must be at least 12 years old by the completion of the course. To take the online hunter education course, students must be at least 15 years of age, or older. Youth hunters should try to complete a hunter education course sometime between the age of 12 and their 16th birthday.
What will I learn in Hunter Education?
Fish and Game's Hunter Education Course is more than a "gun safety" class. The mandatory course consists of classroom instruction, field experiences and firing on a shooting range. Each course is taught by trained, certified volunteer instructors and the local conservation officer. The course covers the following topics:
- Firearms identification, safety and handling
- Hunter ethics and responsibility
- Outdoor safety and survival skills
- Introduction to specialty hunting (archery, crossbow and muzzleloader)
- Wildlife identification and management * Game recovery and care
- NH hunting laws
Students in the "traditional" Hunter Ed course are provided with a course manual, wildlife ID guide, outdoor survival information and additional handouts. Courses involve lecture, demonstrations, small group activities, a live fire experience, written exam and practical field test. The average course length is 16 hours. The online course involves a self-paced program of study, accessible from any computer with web access; an online exam; and a Field Day - see description below. Provisions will be made for people with reading difficulties and/or physical disabilities.
What if my Certification Card is lost or destroyed?
If you have previously passed a New Hampshire Hunter, Bowhunter or Trapper Education course, every effort will be made to issue a replacement card. In cases where we have no record of you taking the course, we cannot issue a replacement and the course will have to be taken again. If you have taken the course in another state, you need to contact that state for a duplicate. We do not fax copies of cards. Please provide the following information: * Full name (and middle initial if applicable) * Present mailing address * Date of birth * Daytime phone number Click here for a printable request form to send to the Hunter Education Office. There is a $2.00 fee for this service.
How do I contact the Hunter Education office?
The Hunter Education office is housed at 11 Hazen Drive, Concord, New Hampshire, in Building #2. As you enter the parking lot, at the STOP sign, turn right into the small parking lot. The office door is the first on the right, below the Hunter Education and Aquatic Education sign. The phone number is (603) 271-3214.
How Do I Purchase My License On Line?
Click this link to go to the NH Fish and Game Website to gain access to purchase your license on line.
How Do I Get A Hike Safe Card?
Click on this link to purchase the Hike Safe Card